2nd Year NotesEnglish class 12th

2nd Year English Ch15 Good By MR’s Chips MCQ’s

2nd Year English Important MCQ’s Ch15 Good By MR’s Chips

Important MCQ’s Ch15 Good By MR’s Chips

1: The guns began almost instantly.
a) timely
b) temporarily
c) abruptly
d) immediately

2: There was plenty of shrapnel falling about outside.
a) leaves
b) stones
c) bomb fragments✅
d) bricks

3: The air-raid warning was given while Chips was taking classes.
a) welcome
b) caution✅
c) salute
d) choice

4: It was pretty solidly built and made as good dug-out.
a) well
b) wall
c) trench✅
d) drain

5: They could not expect to survive wherever they were.
a) sleep
b) stay alive✅
c) make merry
d) die

6: Chips went on speaking amidst the reverberating crashes of the guns.
a) seldom
b) repeated
c) resounding✅
d) loud

7: Chips was teaching in the reverberating crashes of guns.
a) rumour
b) loud noise✅
c) barrels
d) whistle

8: There was the shrill whine of anti-aircraft shells.
a) piercing✅
b) leaking
c) shrinking
d) low

9: There was the shrill whine of anti-aircraft shells.
a) shout
b) cry
c) noise✅
d) scream

10: These things are not going to be snuffed out.
a) guessed
b) surmised
c) planned
d) silenced

11: It was the irregular conjugation of the verb.
a) different forms✅
b) adverb
c) meaning
d) use

12: There came particularly loud explosion.
a) call
b) trash
c) splash
d) blast

13: Their faces expressed a little chuckle.
a) sadness
b) grief
c) giggle✅
d) delight

14: His nick-name was stink merchant.
a) stench b) drench✅
c) clench
d) blench

15: There were titters of nervous laughter.
a) cackle
b) giggles✅
c) tackle
d) obstacle

16: Who will volunteer to construe?
a) offer✅
b) decline
c) claim
d) recline

17: Who will volunteer to construe?
a) select
b) reject
c) translate✅
d) regret

18: Let us be found employing ourselves in something really appropriate.
a) managing
b) engaging✅
c) sparing
d) declaring

19: Let us be found employing ourselves in something really appropriate
a) applause
b) approximate
c) apathy
d) suitable

20: Maynard was a chubby, dauntless and impudent boy.
a) timid
b) thin
c) round and plump✅
d) showy

21: Maynard was a chubby, dauntless and impudent boy.
a) audacious✅
b) avaricious
c) notorious
d) luminous

22: Maynard was a dauntless and impudent boy.
a) crazy
b) lazy
c) cheeky✅
d) paunchy

23: Maynard found the page and began shrilly.
a) loudly✅
b) boldly
c) noisily
d) hazily

24: The story was told, retold and embellished.
a) dictated
b) destroyed
c) exaggerated✅
d) distorted

25: Unips found some old tag to illustrate what was going on.
a) rag
b) bag
c) chap
d) quotation

26: Chips was a legend.
a) meek person
b) weak person
c) myth
d) star

27: Chips was often found with his old and tattered gown.
a) worn
b) torn✅
c) washed
d) short

28: Chips was first beginning to break into a stumble.
a) flatter
b) tatter
c) stagger✅
d) blabber

29: His mild eyes peering over the steel- rimmed spectacles.
a) wild
b) furious
c) intoxicated
d) kind

30: His mild eyes peering over the steel- rimmed spectacles.
a) focusing
b) fixing
c) blazing
d) gazing

31: Brookfield had his quaintly humorous saying.
a) roughly
b) strangely✅
c) minutely
d) loosely

32: Brookfield had his quaintly humorous saying.
a) ridiculous
b) superfluous
c) comic✅
d) atomic

33: Brookfield would not have an atom of him different.
a) article
b) iota✅
c) shell
d) opinion

34: A whole holiday was decreed for the school.
a) denounced
b) rejected
c) ordered✅
d) cancelled

35: The kitchen staff were implored to provide as cheerful a spread as war time rationing could permit.
a) demanded
b) desired
c) questioned
d) requested

36: The kitchen staff were implored to provide as cheerful a spread as war time rationing could permit.
a) delicious✅
b) tasteless
c) light
d) heavy

37: The kitchen staff were implored to provide as cheerful a spread as war time rationing could permit.
a) pulse
b) food✅
c) bread
d) jam

38: There was an instant hush when Chips entered.
a) slow
b) low
c) high
d) sudden

39: There was an instant hush when Chips entered.
a) uproar
b) noise
c) silence✅
d) clamour

40: It had been a damp foggy day.
a) vaporous✅
b) dim
d) bright
c) chill

41: It had been a damp foggy day.
a) misty✅
b) smoggy
c) dark
d) black

42: The next day he bronchitis. was in bed with
a) throat ailment
b) weakness
c) old age
d) lung ailment

43: Chips had a handshake with his successor.
a) friend
b) foe
c) guide
d) follower

44: Thus, Chips’ duration was over.
a) duty
b) concern
c) business
d) period

45: The word “acting” was crossed out on official stationery.
a) performance
b) interim✅
c) permanent
d) old

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