2nd Year NotesEnglish class 12th

2nd Year English Notes Ch 1 Good By Mr. Chips MCQ’s

2nd Year English Notes Ch 1 Good By Mr. Chips MCQ’s

Ch 1 Good By Mr. Chips MCQ’s

1: Brookfield is an old foundation. 12616001
a) institution
b) village
c) town
d) forum

2: Give your enthusiasm to Brookfield.
a) zeal
b) age
c) time
d) power

3: Take up a firm attitude from the beginning.
a) good
b) lenient
c) strict
d) keen

4: He remembered that first tremendous ordeal of taking prep.
a) trial
b) business
c) interview
d) consequence

5: Big Hall was full of lusty barbarians ready to pounce on him as their legitimate prey.
a) healthy
b) happy
c) buoyant
d) angry

6: Big Hall was full of lusty barbarians ready to pounce on him as their legitimate prey.
a) savages
b) civilians
c) dunces
d) predators

7: Big Hall full of lusty barbarians ready to pounce on him as their legitimate prey.
a) feed
b) attack
c) rely on
d) tease

8: Big Hall was full of lusty barbarians ready to pounce on him as their legitimate prey.
a) lawful
b) latest
c) private
d) desirable

9: At the mercy of five hundred unprincipled ruffians to whom baiting of new masters was a fine art.
a) unethical
b) ugly
c) cultured
d) brave

10: At the mercy of five hundred unprincipled ruffians to whom baiting of new masters was a fine art.
a) scoundrels
b) students
c) civilians
d) pupils

11: At the mercy of five hundred unprincipled ruffians to whom baiting of new masters was a fine art.
a) teasing
b) following
c) knowing
d) imitating

12: But as a mob just pitiless and implacable.
a) learner
b) class
c) crowd
d) student

13: But as a mob just pitiless and implacable.
a) mindless
b) lovely
c) cruel
d) strange

14: But as a mob just pitiless and implacable.
a) unappeasable
b) improbable
c) dull
d) cowardly

15: The sudden hush as he took his place at the desk on the dais.
a) noise
b) sound
c) silence
d) whisper

16: The sudden hush as he took his place at the desk on the dais.
a) school
b) hall
c) rostrum
d) room

17: Rarely did he read more than a page of it before sleep came swiftly.
a) scarcely
b) often
c) entirely
d) willingly

18: Rarely did he read more than a page of it before sleep came swiftly.
a) quickly
b) slowly
c) highly
d) noisily

19: More like mystic intensifying of perception than any changeful entrance into another world. a
a) real
b) fake
c) mysterious
d) ritual

20: More like a mystic intensifying of perception than any changeful entrance into another world.
a) boasting
b) explaining
c) soup

d) observing

21: More like a mystic intensifying of perception than any changeful entrance into another world.
a) consciousness
b) oblivion
c) calmness
d) adoption

22: Sipping a glass of sherry.
a) juice
b) beer
d) Spanish wine

23: Nothing really wrong with him only anno domini.
a) young age
b) advancing age
c) health
d) weakness

24: Born in 1848 and taken to the Great Exhibition as a toddling child.
a) healthy
b) weak
c) big
d) tottering

25: A phenomenon that was.
a) rare incident
b) matter
c) problem
d) solution

26: He had been ragged there a good deal.
a) enjoyed
b) admired
c) teased
d) accommodated

27: He remembered that day of his preliminary interview.
a) first
b) second
c) third
d) fourth

28: The air was full of flower scents.
a) garden
b) tree
c) smells
d) plants

29: One of the Barnhurst boys, a chubby little fellow, scored a century.
a) tall
b) small
c) fat and short
d) weak

30: Wetherby himself was very fatherly and courteous.
a) harsh
b) polite
c) rude
d) unconcerned

31: Chips had a vivid recollection of old Wetherby.
a) dim
b) new
c) strange
d) clear

32: Chips had a vivid recollection of old Wetherby.
a) story
b) picture
c) memory
d) cooperation

33: When you are getting on in year, you get very sleepy at times?
a) drowsy

b) active
c) angry
d) weak

34: He had been there more than a decade.
a) 4 years
b) 8 years
c) 10 years
d) 12 years

35: Chips would sing out, in that jerky high- pitched voice that had still a good deal of sprightliness in it.
a) cheerfulness
b) boldness
c) lovableness
d) dearness

36: Then he put the wire guard in front of the fire, turned out the gas.
a) hearth
b) man
c) arm
d) net

37: I remember your grandfather he could never grasp the Ablative Absolute.
a) understand

b) make
c) read
d) write

38: I remember your grandfather he could never grasp the Ablative Absolute.
a) noun & participle
b) adjective
c) verb
d) verb & participle

39: But I do believe that you are the biggest fool of the lot!

a) friends
b) all family
c) triangle
d) home

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