2nd Year NotesEnglish class 12th

2nd Year English Ch12 Good By Mr’Chips MCQ’s

2nd Year English Important MCQ’s Ch12 Good By Mr’Chips

Important MCQ’s Ch12 Good By Mr’Chips

1: And in 1911 Ralston left, “to better himself”.

a) improve✅
b) worsen
c) ridicule
d) mock

2: Chatteris was sympathetic. modern, friendly and
a) miserly
b) genial✅
c) hungry
d) gladly

3: Chatteris courteously and wisely accepted the situation.
a) politely✅
b) rudely
c) cunningly
d) playfully

4: Chips felt that it would not be fair to hang on.
a) wait✅
b) continue service
c) help
d) resign

5: Chips would not sever himself completely.
a) disconnect
b) become harsh✅
c) relate
d) indict

6: Chips received his farewell presentations.
a) persons
b) gifts✅
c) sketches
d) skits

7: His speech was made twice as long, perhaps, by the laughter that impeded its progress.
a) continued
b) hindered✅
c) carried
d) sway

8: Captain of the school had been guilty of exaggeration.
a) brevity
b) praise
c) overstatement✅
d) under-estimate

9: There were roars tumultuous cheers. of laughter and
a) special
b) shining
c) uproarious✅
d) insignificant

10: The whole school learned to skate on the fens.
a) slip on snow✅
b) dig snow
c) clear snow
d) wash snow

11: The whole school learned to skate on the fens.
a) wall
b) fence
c) wire
d) marshlands

12: I remember the great bonfire we had on Mafeking night.
a) crowd
b) party
c) big fire✅
d) ceremony

13: The fire was lit too near the pavilion.
a) building
b) room
c) lawn✅
d) sitting place

14: Most of the firemen were in a regrettable condition.
a) joyful
b) unexpected
c) disappointing
d) appreciable

15: Chips lodged at the home of the German master at Brookfield.
a) stayed✅
b) built
c) reached
d) called on

16: Chips felt a great deal stronger and fitter after his holiday. 12627016
a) sick
b) ill
c) healthier✅
d) fat

17: He took on the preparation and editing of a new Brookfieldian directory.
a) writing
b) omitting
c) revising✅
d) thinking

18: He remembered – once having to thrash his father for it.
a) appreciate
b) admire
c) reward
d) punish

19: Roars of laughter and tumultuous cheers!.
a) yells✅
b) voices
c) calls
d) cries

20: We used to have member of the domestic staff.
a) house✅
b) junior
c) senior
d) local

21: He did nothing but clean and trim and light lamps throughout the school.
a) increase
b) make tidy✅
c) enhance
d) advance

22: I remember when there was a hard frost.
a) cold
b) juice
c) snow✅
d) rain

23: We had to send for the fire brigade to put it out.
a) light
b) extinguish✅
c) increase
d) enhance

24: And the firemen were having their own celebrations.
a) merriment✅
b) sorrows
c) thoughts
d) preoccupations

25: I remember Mrs. Brool, whose photograph is still in the tuck-shop.
a) book shop
b) shop
c) canteen✅
d) ice-cream parlour

26: In my mind you never grow up at all.
a) build
b) improve
c) become old
d) become adult

27: Chairman of the Board of Governors was a jolly little chap with hair that sticks up on top.
a) cheerful✅
b) sad
c) pessimist
d) sorrowful

28: There was much laughter and shouting and prolonged cheers.
a) extended clapping✅
b) slogans
c) jokes
d) criticism

29: He wrote occasional articles.
a) often
b) regular
c) speedy
d) irregular

30: He wrote occasional articles.
a) essays✅
b) poetry
c) story
d) fiction

31: He read his times every morning very thoroughly.
a) in short
b) in brief
c) in detail✅
d) in nutshell

32: He had been keen on the first thrills of Sherlock.
a) joys
b) sensations✅
c) feelings
d) actions

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