2nd Year NotesEnglish class 12th

Goodbye Mr. Chips Chapter 2 Short questions answers

Mr. Chips Novel for 2nd year

CHAPTER.02 Short Questions

Q.1. What was the history of Brookfield Grammar School?

Ans: Brookfield Grammar School was established during Queen Elizabeth’s reign, surrounded by old elm trees. It underwent significant rebuilding and expansion during the reign of George I.

Q.2. What kind of people and professionals did Brookfield supply?

Ans: Brookfield produced history-making men such as judges, members of parliament, colonial administrators, a few peers, and bishops. It also educated merchants, manufacturers, professional individuals, country squires, and clergy.

Q.3. What were the qualifications of Mr. Chips?

Ans: Mr. Chips had modest qualifications, being a graduate from Cambridge with a somewhat average degree.

Q.4. What was presented to Chips on his retirement?

Ans: Upon his retirement in 1913, Mr. Chips received a retirement gift that included a cheque, a writing desk, and a clock.

Q.5. “A decent career decently closed” Explain.

Ans: This phrase means that Mr. Chips had a respectable and honorable career at Brookfield School, and his retirement was also conducted in a dignified and proper manner.

Q.6. What were Chip’s ambitions when he joined Brookfield?

Ans: When he joined Brookfield, Mr. Chips aspired to achieve the position of headship or the senior-most mastership at a first-class school.

Q.7. What was the status of Brookfield School?

Ans: Brookfield School was a good school of the second rank, producing notable individuals for England’s history.

Q.8. Write a note on Brookfield village.

Ans: Brookfield was a small village situated in open countryside on the East Coast of England.

Q.9. Write a note on Brookfield Public School.

Ans: Brookfield Public School was a grammar school of the second rank, established during Queen Elizabeth’s reign. It had a significant role in shaping the future of many influential people in England.

Q.11. How was a football match made possible at Brookfield?

Ans: The efforts of Katherine, a character in the story, played a crucial role in making a football match possible between Mission school and Brookfield.

Q.12. Narrate the activities of Mr. Chips after his retirement.

Ans: After retiring, Mr. Chips engaged in various activities, such as inviting new boys to tea, watching their matches, dining with the school’s leaders and teachers, and working on the preparation of a new edition of the Brookfield directory.

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