1st Year NotesEnglish class 9th

First-Year English Moral Stories: A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

First Year English Moral Stories: A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

Story For Average Students

Once, a king dispatched a messenger with urgent orders for his commander on the battlefield. The messenger, in his haste, noticed a missing nail in the horseshoe. Anxious to deliver the message promptly, he ignored the issue and continued his journey.

However, this oversight proved costly. All the nails from the horseshoe eventually fell out, causing the horse to halt. In desperation, the messenger relentlessly whipped the horse, which, in turn, caused it to bleed and eventually collapse. Abandoning the horse, the messenger continued on foot, only to arrive at the battlefield to discover that his recklessness had led to the downfall of his army.


  1. “A Stitch in Time Saves Nine” emphasizes the importance of addressing problems promptly.
  2. Haste can lead to costly mistakes.

Story For Brilliant Students

In a kingdom far and wide, a king dispatched a messenger bearing vital instructions for his commander on the battlefield. The messenger embarked on his journey, but along the way, he encountered a problem. A single nail on his horse’s shoe had gone missing.

Pressed for time and impatient, the messenger ignored the issue and continued his ride. However, as the journey continued, the remaining nails gave way, and the horse came to a sudden halt. Panicked, the messenger lashed the horse, driving it harder and faster. The horse, in agony, ran until it could no more, and its feet bled. Eventually, it fell to the ground, lifeless.

The messenger, now on foot, raced to deliver the king’s orders. Upon his arrival at the battlefield, he received the devastating news that his recklessness had led to the army’s crushing defeat.


  1. “A Stitch in Time Saves Nine” – Attending to problems promptly can prevent much larger troubles.
  2. Haste can lead to dire consequences.

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