1st Year NotesEnglish class 11th

Class 11 English Important Questions

Class 11 English Important Questions On Newsongoogle By Bilal Articles

Uncover comprehensive Class 11 English resources on Newsongoogle by Bilal Articles! Access detailed chapter notes, past papers, and guess papers to enhance your understanding of English. Elevate your academic journey with curated content designed for Class 11 students. Excel in English studies with our expertly crafted educational materials.

Class 11 Chapter-1 English Importants

Why did Arthur disagree with his wife?
why did Norma consider the tone and attitude of Mr. Steward offensive?
why did Norma try to persuade her husband to agree with her?
why did Mr. Steward continue persuading Norma

Class 11 Chapter-2 English Important

What had the doctors told the old man?
Where had the old man taken his son?
Why did the son at the age of six cry?

Class 11 Chapter-3 English Importants

Why did he want to stay?
What climate did they face on Mars?
Why did Harry want to go back to the Earth?

Class 11 Chapter-4 English Importants

What happened to the boy when he tried to snatch the purse?
What was the nature of the woman’s job?
Why did the woman ask the boy to wash his face?

Class 11 Chapter-5 English Importants

Why did George give the pocketbook to his employer?
What made Hubert shameful?
Why did he keep claiming his innocence before his death?

Class 11 Chapter-6 English Important

What was the subject discussed at the Club?
What were the feelings of Gorgios on the occasion?
What did Terbut think of Jerken’s argument?

Class 11 Chapter-7 English Importants

What was the condition of the parents on the arrival of the doctor?
What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick girl?
Why did she break the wooden blade?

Class 11 Chapter-8 English Importants

How did the king recover?
What did the king weep?
What should be the role of a Qazi?
Why -did the boy look to the sky and smile?
What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people?

Class 11 Chapter-9 English Important

What did the quack pretend to cure?
What did the quack do with the old woman?
What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers?

Class 11 Chapter-10 English Important

Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on fire?
What was the desire of every farmer?
Why are the locusts compared with bad weather?

Class 11 Chapter-11 English Importants

What was the cause of Negroes discontentment?
What should be the faith of Negroes?
What should be the criterion of judgment for a person?

Class 11 Chapter-12 English Important

Who were the Magi?
How did the hair of Della look?

Class 11 Chapter-13 English Importants

What was alias Abdul’s Full name?
Describe Maulvi’s appearance.

Class 11 Chapter-14 English Important

What was the Color of the overcoat of the young man?
Why did the driver of the truck speed away after the accident?

Class 11 Chapter-15 English Important

What does the author like about Christmas?
Why are the noble deeds always a great joy for the author?

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