2nd Year NotesEnglish class 12th

Mr. Chips chapter 9 question answers pdf

Mr. Chips chapter 9

Important questions answers

Short an simple questions answers

Q.1. Where did Chips move after his wife’s death?

Ans. After his wife’s death, Chips changed his more commodious apartment in the schoolhouse for his old, original bachelor quarters, but he did not leave his house mastership.

Q.2. How did Chips’ house mastership prove useful after the death of his wife?

Ans. Mr. Chips initially wanted to give up his house mastership after the death of his wife, but the Headmaster convinced him to continue. He later realized the work filled up the emptiness in his mind and heart, making it a source of comfort.

Q.3. What changes did the death of his wife bring in Chips?

Ans. The death of his wife marked a significant change in Mr. Chips. He transformed from a man whom boys considered “old” to someone more confident and poised. His discipline improved, and he embraced his work and worth with greater assurance.

Q.4. How did Chips see the world of change and conflict?

Ans. After his wife’s death, Mr. Chips viewed the world through the lens of his memories of Katherine. He saw the world as one might glimpse a mountain behind another mountain when the mist clears. Katherine had left him with a sense of calmness and poise that aligned with his inner emotions.

Q.5. What had Katherine left Chips with?

Ans. Katherine had left Mr. Chips with a sense of calmness and poise, which served as a source of strength and equilibrium in his life after her passing.

Q.6. What were Chips’ views about the Boers?

Ans. Mr. Chips neither took a pro-Boer nor an anti-Boer stance. He saw the Boers as being engaged in a struggle that bore a curious similarity to the heroes depicted in certain English history books.

Q.7. What did Chips say to Lloyd George?

Ans. During a conversation with the Prime Minister, Mr. Chips dispensed with formalities and humorously remarked, “I am nearly old enough to remember you as a young man. I confess that you seem to have improved a great deal.”

Q.8. What sort of gown did Chips wear after the death of Katherine?

Ans. After his wife’s death, Mr. Chips cared very little about his dress and appearance. He wore his gown until it was nearly too tattered to hold together.

Q.9. How would Chips take call-over near Big Hall?

Ans. During call-over near Big Hall, Mr. Chips held the school list, and each boy would pass by, speaking his name for Chips to verify, and then Chips would tick off the name on the list. His verifying glance was often playfully mimicked by the students.

Q.10. Draw a character sketch of Naylor.

Ans. Naylor was an old student of Mr. Chips who famously referred to Chips as “old” when Mr. Chips was only fifty years old. Naylor later became a lawyer, and Mr. Chips remembered him for this comment.

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