2nd Year NotesEnglish class 12th

Lesson No. 9 Hunger and Population Explosion

Lesson No. 9 Hunger and Population Explosion (Question Answers, & MCQs)

Solution of Exercise

Q1: What does hunger mean on a large scale as viewed by the author?

Ans: Hunger does not mean missing one meal or even meals for a whole day. It means never having enough to eat. It means, when you have had something to eat at least as much again. It also means a situation in which you are always wondering where the next meal is coming from or even if there will be a next meal.

Q2: Describe some great famines of the past?

Ans: Famines had been part of human life. A famine came in the reign of pharaoh. In time of Joseph, famine was recorded from the birth of Christ to 1800; Europe faced famines in 350 years. China faced 90 major famines. In 1921-22 a famine killed several million people. Ten million people were died in
1969-70 in Bengal. One million died in India in 1964-65.

Q3: How do famines occur?

Ans: Famine may be caused by many things. It may be that there are just too many people for the amount of food available. It may be that crops have failed due to disease. Thousands, even millions, will die of starvation because of famines caused by lack of rain.

Q4: What is the main reason for population increase today?

Ans: The main reason for population increase is due to the number of people who are born in any year being greater than the number of people who die – that are the difference between the birth rate and the death rate. For example, in the U.K. the birthrate for 1963 (number of births per 1,000 population) was 18.2 and the death rate (number of deaths per 1,000 population) was 11.6. The population is therefore growing at the rate of 6.6 per 1,000 of the population.

Q5: What is meant by birth-rate and death-rate, and how do they affect the population of a country?

Ans: The main reason for population increase is due to the number of people who are born in any year being greater than the number of people who die that is the difference between the birth rate and the death rate. For example, in the U.K. the birthrate for 1963 (number of births per 1,000 population) was 18.2 and the death rate (number of deaths per 1,000 population) was 11.6. The population is therefore growing at the rate of 6.6 per 1,000 of the population.

Q6: What have public-health measures to do with increase in population?

Ans: Public health measures help to maintain better health and control death rate. As a result the population increases, because more people are born and less people die.

Q7: Account for the high birth-rate in under- developed countries?

Ans: In under-developed countries, mostly people are uneducated and they do not realize the importance of birth rate for the economic development of the country. Therefore they produce more children. This causes an increase in the population.

Q8: Why is birth rate not so high in the more advanced countries?

Ans: In developed countries people do not let their familiesgrow bigger. There is a strict check on population growth,as aresult the birth rate remains low.

Q9: Give a brief account of the poor economic conditions prevailing in underdeveloped countries?

Ans: Everyone knows an under-developed country when he sees one. It is a country characterized by poverty, with beggars in the cities and villagers eking out a bare subsistence in the rural areas. It is a country lacking factories of its own, usually with inadequate supplies of power and light. It usually has poor roads and railways and not enough of them. Hospitals and schools and colleges are few and far between. Most people, particularly older people, cannot read or write. The goods the country exports are nearly always raw materials which are much more subject to price fluctuations.

Additional Questions Answers

Q1: What is the greatest produce regarding the study of population?

Ans: The study of the population growth indicates one of the greatest paradoxes of our time. The group of countries best able to support a rapidly growing population has a relatively low birth rate while the group least able to support their present population, let alone a larger one, has a very high birth rate.

Q2: What is result of difference between the poorand the rich?

Ans: in the past the population has not only been reduced by famine and disease but also by war. We have the power to abolish war if we have the will. But if one group of people continues to get poorer and sees its families and friends suffering great distress and unnecessary death while another group of people in the world gets richer, we are creating a situation which encourages the poor to make war on the rich.

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Robin Hood is presented poaching for the poor from Forests. The underlined word means
    A. Stealing

    B. Buying
    C. Washing
    D. Punching
  2. What is meant by hunger?
    A. Be hungry
    B. The eat too much
    C. Not having enough food to eat
    D. Missing one or two meals.
  3. The study of population growth indicates. The greatest paradox of our time. The underlined word means
    A. Joy
    B. Contradiction
    C. Sorrow
    D. Happiness
  4. Choose the correct spelling
    A. Lequorice
    B. Liquarice
    C. Liquorise
    D. Liquorices
  5. Ali felt sleepy. The underlined is a/an
    A. Auxiliary verb
    B. Linking verb
    C. Helping verb
    D. Modal verb
  6. They made him captain of the team. The underlined part is a/an
    A. Relative phrase
    B. Relative clause
    C. Direct object
    D. Indirect object
  7. I feel pains in my body. The underlined word is a/an
    A. Abstract noun✅
    B. Linking verb
    C. Conjunction
    D. Adverb

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