1st Year NotesEnglish class 11th

Moral Story: All That Glitters is Not Gold – A Foolish Stag

Moral Story: All That Glitters is Not Gold – A Foolish Stag

In this tale of the foolish stag, we learn the valuable moral lesson that appearances can be deceiving, encapsulated by the proverb “All that glitters is not gold.”

For Average Students:

Once in a jungle, there lived a proud and vain stag. He admired his strong and beautiful antlers but despised his thin and unattractive legs. One fateful day, the hounds of a hunter pursued him. His lean legs helped him flee, but his magnificent antlers got entangled in bushes. Struggling in vain to free himself, he was soon overtaken by the hounds. His prized antlers led to his demise.


  1. All that glitters is not gold.
  2. Appearances can be deceptive.
  3. Pride often leads to downfall.

For Brilliant Students:

In a dense forest, there resided a remarkably handsome stag with magnificent twisted antlers. This stag was not only beautiful but also exceptionally vain and foolish. One day, he grew extremely thirsty and sought out a stream to quench his thirst. While drinking from the stream, he caught a glimpse of his reflection. He marveled at his stunning antlers, swelling with pride. Yet, his joy turned to sorrow when he noticed his lean and unsightly legs.

Suddenly, the distant sound of a hunter’s horse and the baying hounds reached his ears. Fear gripped the stag, and he knew he had to escape. His legs, despite their appearance, served him well as he sprinted away from the approaching hounds. His legs took him deep into the thick forest, where he found safety.

However, his beautiful antlers, which had been the source of his pride, got ensnared in the undergrowth. He struggled relentlessly but couldn’t break free. At that moment, the hounds closed in, and his grand antlers led to his tragic end.


  1. All that glitters is not gold.
  2. Appearances can be deceptive.
  3. Pride often leads to downfall.

This story underscores the timeless wisdom that appearances can be misleading and that arrogance can bring about one’s own downfall.

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