2nd Year NotesEnglish class 12th

2nd Year English Ch 7 Good By Mr’s Chips MCQ’s

2nd Year English Important MCQ’s Ch 7 Good By Mr’s Chips

Important MCQ’s Ch 7 Good By Mr’s Chips

1: It stood a warm and vivid patch in his life.
a) dim
b) clear
c) variable
d) suppressed

2: It glowed in a thousand recollections.
a) remembered
b) forgave
c) glove
d) shone

3: That was twilight at Mrs. Wickett’s.
a) dusk

b) sunrise
c) noon
d) morning

4: Katherine was scampering along stone corridors.
a) weeping
b) staying
c) hurrying✅
d) laughing

5: Katherine was laughing at some howler.
a) punishment
b) blunder✅
c) admiration
d) rebuke

6: I would let them off if I were you.
a) affect
b) give
c) pardon✅
d) beat

7: These hundreds of boys cooped up here is really an unnatural arrangemen 12622007
a) caged✅
b) taught
c) whipped
d) persuaded

8: We have to be pretty strict about this sort of thing.
a) lenient
b) stern✅
c) comfort
d) merciful

9: You’re going to sack him?
a) resolve
b) release
c) absolve
d) expel

10: Once in ten times he was adamant.
a) confirm
b) stubborn✅
c) flexible
d) easy

11: In about half of these exceptional cases, he wished.
a) firm
b) extra-ordinary✅
c) ordinary
d) exception

12: Chips felt softening of reminiscence.
a) mercy
b) aroma
c) gentle
d) nostalgia

13: Young ruffian, I am hanged.
a) chap
b) boy
c) scoundrel✅
d) shy

14: She did not always plead for leniency.
a) appeal✅
b) order
c) call
d) refer

15: She did not always plead for leniency.
a) ship
b) mercy✅
c) whip
d) cruelty

16: He is too cocksure of himself.
a) overconfident✅
b) humble
c) meek
d) respectable

17: What a crowd of emotions clung to him before annihilation?
a) arousal
b) extinction✅
c) fascination
d) trace

18: Chips remembered funny anecdotes.
a) games
b) poems
c) essays
d) tales

19: He had a sudden vision of long epochs of Brookfield history.
a) eras✅
b) epics
c) speeches
d) practice

20: A black sheep contaminates others.
a) spoils✅
b) terminates
c) attracts
d) repels

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