2nd Year NotesEnglish class 12th

2nd Year English Ch 2 Good By Mr. Chips MCQ’S

2nd Year English Important Ch 2 Good By Mr. Chips MCQ’S

Ch 2 Good By Mr. Chips MCQ’S

1: Across the road behind a rampart of ancient elms lay Brookfield, russet under its autumn mantle of creeper.
a) defensive wall

b) line 12617001
c) gate
d) shade

2: Across the road behind a rampart of ancient elms lay Brookfield, russet under its autumn mantle of creeper.
a) new
b) modern
c) classical
d) old

3: Across the road behind a rampart of ancient elms lay Brookfield, russet under its autumn mantle of creeper. 12617003
a) a tree

b) plant
c) money
d) city

4: Across the road behind a rampart of ancient elms lay Brookfield, russet under its autumn mantle of creeper.
a) mad
b) cover
c) crazy
d) sense

5: The school went up and down, dwindling almost to non-existence at one time, becoming almost illustrious at another.
a) breaking
b) dying
c) declining
d) going

6: The school went up and down, dwindling almost to non-existence at one time, becoming almost illustrious at another.
a) rigid
b) prominent
c) famous
d) notorious

7: The school declined again, both in numbers and repute.
a) progressed
b) rose
c) dwindled
d) sustained

8: Wetherby, who came in 1840, restored its fortune somewhat; but its subsequent history never raised it to front-rank status.
a) destroyed
b) helped
d) improved
c) regained

9: Wetherby, who came in 1840, restored its fortune somewhat; but its subsequent history never raised it to front-rank status.
a) earlier
b) later
c) middle
d) superior

10: Wetherby, who came in 1840, restored its fortune somewhat; but its subsequent history never raised it to front-rank status.
a) pushed
b) developed
c) promoted
d) enhanced

11: Mostly, however it turned out merchants, manufacturers, and professional men, with a good sprinkling of country squires and parsons..
a) developed
b) ran
c) produced
d) mixed

12: It turned out merchants, manufacturers, and professional men, with good sprinkling of country squires and parsons. a
a) salt
b) small number
c) large number
d) enough

13: Not that he was boastful or conceited, but, he had been, in his early twenties, as ambitious as most other young men at such an age.

a) humble
b) rich
c) proud
d) poor

14: Not that he was boastful or conceited, but he had been, in his early twenties, as ambitious as most other young men at such an age.
a) liar
b) vain
c) selfish
d) selfless

15: His dream had been to get a headship eventually.
a) preliminary
b) momentarily
c) by chance
d) finally

16: His discipline, though good enough and improving, wasn’t absolutely reliable under all conditions.
a) suspect
b) honest
c) dependable
d) distrustful

17: He had no private means and no family. connections of any importance.
a) cheap
b) wealth
c) resources
d) money

18: He had no private means and no family. connections of any importance.
a) background
b) history
c) relations
d) lineage

19: Where he was, began to fill a comfortable niche in his mind.
a) feeling
b) hiding
c) nook
d) memory

20: At forty, he was rooted, settled, and quite happy.
a) connected
b) established
c) lonely
d) separated

21: At forty, he was rooted, settled, and quite happy.
a) loved
b) comfortable
c) uncomfortable
d) migrated

22: At fifty he was the doven of the staff.
a) old member
b) teacher
c) juniorb) teacher
d) senior member

23: A decent career, decently closed three cheers for old Chips, they all shouted, at that uproarious end-of-term dinner.
a) claiming
c) noisy
b) silent
d) hushed

24: Three cheers, indeed; but there was more to come, an un-guessed epilogue, an encore played to a tragic audience.
a) closing speech
b) prologue
c) remark
d) laughter

25: Three cheers, indeed; but there was more to come, an un-guessed epilogue, an encore played to a tragic audience.
a) performance
b) layer
c) once more
d) repeated performance

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