2nd Year NotesEnglish class 12th

2nd Year English Chapter 5 Good By Mr’s Chips MCQ’S

2nd Year English Important Ch 5 Good By Mr’s Chips MCQ’S

Important Chapter 5 Good By Mr’s Chips MCQ’S

1: Chips recollected those days.

a) gained
c) blamed
b) paid
d) remembered

2: He looked down at his foot that performed so signal a service.

a) important✅
b) only
c) regular
d) respectful

3: That became the trivial cause of so many momentous happenings.

a) total
b) plain
c) petty✅
d) tricky

4: That became the trivial cause of so many momentous happenings.

a) magical
b) trivial
c) meaningful
d) significant

5. It was the one thing of which the details evaded him.

a) scared
b) followed
c) attracted
d) avoided

6: He saw the glorious hump of the Gable.

a) scene
b) atmosphere
c) small hill✅
d) height

7: He could re-follow the ribbon of the pass across to sty-head.

a) narrow strip✅
b) a sign-board
c) a string
d) rule
8: So clearly it lingered that time of dizzy happiness.

a) left
b) hung around✅
c) followed
d) consumed

9: So clearly it lingered that time of dizzy happiness.

a) giddy✅
b) dull
c) passive
d) insignificant

10: He could recall those strolls by the waterside.

a) streams
b) leisurely walks✅
c) seats
d) thoughts

11: He could recall her cool voice and her gay laughter.

a) happy✅
b) sad
c) gruesome
d) calculated

12: Chips had been a little serious about it rather a little awed.

a) aware
b) slow
c) afraid✅
d) confused

13: I was afraid you were a solicitor.

a) judge
b) merchant
c) salesman
d) lawyer

14: He had been afflicted with an acute desire to depreciate himself.

a) affiliated
b) suffered
c) troubled✅
d) agreed

15: He had been afflicted with an acute desire to depreciate himself.

a) accurate
b) keen
c) actual
d) devalue

16: He depreciated himself and his attainments.

a) failures
b) struggle
c) achievements
d) aim

17: He told her of his mediocre degree.

a) ordinary✅
b) memorable
c) academic
d) must

18: He talked of his ineligibility to marry a young and ambitious girl.

a) amiable
b) lazy
c) aspiring✅
d) imaginative

19: When Chips left the house, she said with mock gravity.

a) mournful
b) mean
c) false seriousness✅
d) painful

20: A hansom clop-clopping in the road way.

a) two-wheeled carriage✅
b) cart
c) three wheeled Carriage
d) four-wheeled cart

21: There was green pale gas-lamp flickering on the wet pavement.

a) yellow✅
b) lightning
c) dazzling
d) shining

22: There was green pale gas-lamp flickering on the wet pavement.

a) slipping
b) spreading
c) shimmering✅
d) falling

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