2nd Year NotesEnglish class 12th

2nd Year English Ch18 Good by Mr’s Chips MCQ’s

2nd Year English Important MCQ’s Ch18 Good by Mr’s Chips MCQ’s

Important MCQ’s Ch18 Good by Mr’s Chips MCQ’s

1: Mr. Chips saw Merivale stooping over him.
a) stopping
b) seeing
c) moving
d) bending

2: Merivale said, “You old ruffian, feeling all right ?”
a) gentleman
b) scoundrel✅
c) nice man
d) hero

3: Chips did not bother about the details.
a) care✅
b) feel
c) rejoice
d) refresh

4: Cartwright was whispering to Merivale.
a) coaching
b) murmuring✅
c) telling
d) saying

5: Chips began a faint and palpitating chuckle.
a) quiet✅
b) sharp
c) noisy
d) joyful

6:Chips began a faint and palpitating chuckle.
a) throbbing✅
b) sighing
c) receding
d) shining

7: Chips began a faint and palpitating chuckle.
a) anger
b) yell
c) noise
d) quiet laughter

8: Chorus sang in his ears in final harmony.
a) dancers
b) jugglers
c) jesters
d) choir

9: Chorus sang in his ears in final harmony.
a) disturbance
b) synchronization✅
c) tone
d) song

10:Linford, will remember and tell the tale.
a) accident
b) story✅
c) event
d) truth

11: Brookfield will lovableness. never forget his
a) endearment✅
b) hate
c) eccentricity
d) jealousy

12: He added with quavering merriment.
a) trembling✅
b) solid
c) harmonising
d) intense

13:He added with quavering merriment.
a) joy✅
c) anger
b) hate
d) confusion

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