1st Year NotesEnglish class 11th

First Year English Moral Stories: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

First Year English Moral Stories: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

For Average Students:

In a jungle, a hare and a tortoise lived. The hare was very proud of being the fastest animal in the jungle, and he often made fun of the tortoise for being so slow. Tired of the hare’s teasing, the tortoise challenged him to a race. The hare agreed, and they decided to race to a distant hill.

As the race began, the hare sprinted ahead and quickly disappeared from sight. He was so confident of winning that he decided to take a nap under a tree. Meanwhile, the tortoise plodded along, moving slowly but steadily.

When the hare woke up, he rushed to the finish line, thinking he had won. To his surprise, he found the tortoise already there. The tortoise had won the race because slow and steady progress triumphed over the hare’s arrogance.


  1. Slow and steady wins the race.
  2. Don’t be too proud; arrogance can lead to failure.
  3. Never make fun of others.

For Brilliant Students:

Once, in a lush jungle, there resided a hare and a tortoise. The hare was renowned for his incredible speed and agility, while the tortoise was known for his slow and methodical ways. The hare often ridiculed the tortoise for his slowness.

One day, tired of the hare’s taunts, the tortoise challenged him to a race. The hare, overconfident of his swiftness, agreed to compete. They set their sights on a distant hill as their finish line.

As the race began, the hare dashed forward like a bolt of lightning, leaving the tortoise far behind. The hare was so certain of victory that he decided to take a break and nap under a tree. Meanwhile, the tortoise continued his slow but unwavering progress.

When the hare awoke, he rushed to the finish line, thinking he had the race in the bag. To his astonishment, the tortoise was already there. The tortoise’s slow and steady approach had won the day.


  1. Slow and steady wins the race.
  2. Arrogance and overconfidence can lead to defeat.
  3. Never underestimate others based on their differences.

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