2nd Year NotesEnglish class 12th

2nd Year English Chapter 9 Good By Mr’s Chips MCQ”s

2nd Year English Important MCQ”s Chapter 9 Good By Mr’s Chips

Important MCQ”s Chapter 9 Good By Mr’s Chips

1: Chips changed his more commodious apartment in school.
a) small
b) narrow
c) spacious
d) boring

2: So did bereavement.
a) grief✅
b) benefit
c) management
d) headmaster

3: After the first stupor of grief.
a) awakening
b) period
c) trance✅
d) taste

4: Whom boys, at any rate, unhesitatingly classed as “old”.
a) unwanted
b) thoughtfully
c) confidently✅
d) shamefully

5: Whom boys, at any rate, unhesitatingly classed as “old”.
a) said
b) laughed
c) mocked
d) ranked

6: Chips, when he was over eighty, used to recount, that incident with many chuckles.
a) remember✅
b) forget
c) explain
d) write

7: Chips, when he was over eighty, used to recount that incident with many chuckles.
a) sorrows
b) tears
c) whispers
d) giggles

8: “I was myself—- a mere, infant”.
a) baby✅
b) boy
d) old man
c) young man

9: There settled upon Chips a mellowness.
a) expression
b) maturity✅
c) old age
d) newness

10: Chips did not feel diffident about his own work and worth.
a) confident
b) hesitant✅
c) pleased
d) guilty

11: He had won, by seniority and ripeness, an uncharted no-man’s land of privilege..
a) maturity✅
b) foolishness
c) perfection
d) personality

12: He had won, by seniority and ripeness, an uncharted no-man’s land of privilege.
a) old
b) wonderful
c) unexplored✅
d) modern

13: He had won, by seniority and ripeness, and uncharted no-man’s land of privilege.
a) loss
b) freedom✅
c) wonders
d) style

14: He had acquired the right to those gentle eccentricities.
a) secured✅
b) wasted
c) enjoyed
d) ignored

15: He had acquired the right to those gentle eccentricities.
a) positions
b) conditions
c) oddities✅
d) habits

16: It was with an air of mystic abandonment of ritual.
a) spiritual✅
b) worldly
c) strange
d) new

17: It was with an air of mystic abandonment of ritual.
a) surrender✅
b) behaviour
c) measurement
d) manner

18: It was with an air of mystic abandonment of ritual.
a) rite✅
b) right
c) ignorance.
d) pleasure

19: That verifying glance was an easy and favourite subject of mimicry throughout the school.
a) sharp
b) passive
c) attesting✅
d) dull

20: That verifying glance was an easy and favourite subject of mimicry throughout the school.
a) manner
b) search
c) look✅
d) body

21: That verifying glance was an easy and favourite subject of mimicry throughout the school.
a) laugh
b) imitation✅
c) fun
d) talk

22: A gaze half rapt quizzical.
a) sharp
b) inquiring✅
c) disturb
d) sleepy

23: And on windy days with gown ad white hair and school list fluttering in uproarious confusion.
a) falling
b) flying
c) flapping✅
d) moving

24: And on windy days with gown and white hair and school-list fluttering in uproarious confusion.
a) law
b) silence
c) noisy✅
d) peaceful

25: Some of these names, in a little snatches of chorus recurred to him.
a) time
b) bits✅
c) way
d) air

26: Some of these names, in a little snatches of chorus, recurred to him.
a) relaxed
b) realized
c) returned✅
d) recited

27: He often pondered.
a) made
b) said
c) wrote
d) thought

28: How far had they scattered?
a) gone
b) enjoyed
c) spread✅
d) travelled

29: Some to break, other to weave into unknown patterns.
a) merge
b) change
c) knit✅
d) join

30: Some to break, others to weave into unknown patterns.
a) tangles
b) ways
c) fashions
d) designs

31: The strange randomness of the world beguiled him.
a) talk
b) haphazardness✅
c) behaviour
d) people

32: The strange randomness of the world beguiled him.
a) shocked
b) surprised
c) told
d) deceived

33: She had not been able to bequeath him all her mind.
a) explain
b) provide
c) bestow✅
d) claim

34: She had left him with a calmness and a poise.
a) composure✅
b) disturbance
c) rest
d) fact

35: She had left him with a calmness and a poise.
a) self-control✅
b) fact
c) duty
d) matter

36: He did not share the general jingo bitterness against the Boers.
a) discussion
b) problem
c) chauvinistic✅
d) practical

37: That the Boers were engaged in a struggle.
a) involved✅
b) ready
c) getting
d) defeating

38: However heretical he might be about the Boers.
a) in favour
b) unorthodox✅
c) neutral
d) partial

39: He was orthodox about Mr. Lloyd George.
a) conventional✅
b) modern
c) in favour
d) admiring

40: The Head, standing with them, was rather aghast.
a) happy
b) gloomy
c) terrified✅
d) surprised

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