2nd Year NotesEnglish class 12th

Mr Chips chapter 8 question answers

Mr Chips Chapter 8

Short An Simple Question Answers

Q.1. When did Katherine and her new-born child die?

Ans: Katherine and her new-born child died on April 1, 1898.

Q.2. What did young Faulkner ask Chips on April 1, 1898?

Ans: On April 1, 1898, young Faulkner asked Chips if he could have the afternoon off and skip chapel to go to the station to receive his family.

Q.3. Why did Chips not want to receive condolences?

Ans: Mr. Chips did not want to receive condolences because he wanted to get used to the loss of his wife and child before facing the kind words of others.

Q.4. What type of letters did Mr. Chips receive on 1st April 1998? OR What was the April foolery Chips faced?

Ans: On April 1, 1898, Mr. Chips received letters that appeared to be condolences, but each letter contained a blank sheet of paper, which was a form of April foolery.

Q.5. When did Chips realize that the blank letters written to him were a piece of April foolery?

Ans: It took Mr. Chips some time to realize that the blank letters he had received were a form of April foolery, as he was deeply grieving the loss of his wife and child and couldn’t immediately recognize the prank.

Q.6. What do you know of Faulkner?

Ans: Faulkner was a student at Brookfield who asked Chips for leave on the day Mr. Chips’ wife died to go to the station to receive his family.

Q.7. What were Chips’ feelings on his wife’s death?

Ans: Mr. Chips was deeply grieved and devastated by his wife’s death. He felt intense loneliness and wished that he, too, were dead.

Q.8. Describe Katherine’s tragic death.

Ans: Katherine’s death was a tragic event, and it also marked the death of her newly born child. Both of them passed away during childbirth on April 1, 1898, leaving Mr. Chips in deep sorrow and mourning.

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