2nd Year NotesEnglish class 12th

2nd Year English Chapter 6 GoodBy Mr’s Chips MCQ’s

2nd Year English Important Chapter 6 GoodBy Mr’s Chips MCQ’s

Important Chapter 6 GoodBy Mr’s Chips MCQ’s

1: For his marriage was a triumphant success.
a) exultant
b) sure
c) peculiar
d) heart-rending

2: She was immensely popular with the boys and masters alike.
a) immediately
b) infinitely
c) mostly
d) in majority

3: Even the wives of the masters tempted at first to be jealous of some so young and lovely
a) enticed
b) opposed
c) troubled
d) tortured

4: They could not long resist her charms.
a) intelligence
b) charity
c) charisma
d) chivalry

5: Till his marriage Chips had been a dry and rather neutral sort person. 12621005
a) artificial
b) natural
c) impartial
d) negative

6: Chips was not made of the stuff that makes for great popularity.
a) people
b) sense
c) substance
d) principle

7: He was not that stirs great affection.
a) inspires
b) settles
c) vanishes.
d) believes

8: He was not that stirs great affection.
a) hatred
b) affirmation
c) fondness
d) emotions

9: He had already begun to sink into that creeping dry-rot of pedagogy. 12621009
a) climax
b) greatness
c) decay
d) odour

10: He had already begun to sink into that creeping dry rot of pedagogy. 12621010
a) study of art
b) study of teaching methods
c) study of sports
d) study of agriculture

11: That is the worst and ultimate pitfall for the profession.
a) hazard
b) desire
b) pressure
d) reward

12: Giving the same lessons year after years had formed a groove into which the other affairs had adjusted well.
a) place
b) corner
c) routine
d) grip

13:The other affairs of his life had adjusted themselves with insidious ease.
a) invalid
b) inferior
c) interesting
d) subtle✅

14: Chips was conscientious..
a) constant
b) dutiful
c) clever
d) bold

15: His eyes gained sparkle.
a) disease
b) spectacles
c) fame
d) shine✅

16: His mind began to adventurously. 12621016 move more
a) seriously
b) inquisitively
c) daringly
d) foolishly

17: His sense of humour blossomed into a sudden richness.
a) lost
b) bloomed
c) faded
d) degenerated

18: Years lent maturity to Chips’ humour.
a) evaded
b) maintained
c) imparted
d) levied

19: Chips’ discipline became less rigid.
a) objectionable
b) pleasant
c) ritualistic
d) inflexible✅

20: He began to make little jokes, mnemonics.
a) exercise for improving memory
b) recollections
c) comments
d) remarks

21: He began to make little puns.
a) complaints
b) notes
c) excuses
d) jokes✅

22: Lex-Canuleia permitted patricians to marry plebeians.
a) Roman gypsies
b) middle-class Romans
c) lower-class Romans
d) upper-class Romans✅

23: Lex-Canuleia permitted patricians to marry plebeians.
a) noble Romans
b) middle-class Romans
c) lower-class Romans
d) upper-class Romans

24: Chips could not confute her ideas.
a) confirm
b) compile
c) refute
d) correlate

25: Despite her radical socialist talk, Chips remained a conservative in politics.
a) conservative
b) neutral
c) revolutionary
d) far-reaching

26: Best even where he did not accept, he absorbed.
a) abstained
b) left
c) abhorred
d) assimilated✅

27: He was a conservative in politics.
a) clever
b) interested
c) trusted
d) conventional✅

28: Her young idealism worked upon his maturity.
a) targeted
b) expressed
c) proved
d) influenced✅

29: Her young idealism produced amalgam very gentle and wise
a) affiliation
b) atmosphere
c) blend
d) situation

30: Sometimes she persuaded him completely.
a) convinced
b) pressurized
c) requested
d) persecuted

31: Boys and parents contributed generously to East London boys.
a) grievously
b) mostly
c) magnanimously
d) hopefully

32: Katherine suggested a match between the Brookfield and East London Boys at soccer.
a) cricket
b) swimming
c) badminton
d) football✅

33: The idea could not have survived its first frosty reception.
a) unfriendly
b) fashionable
c) fair
d) foremost

34: It was a wanton stirring to introduce a group of slum boys to the serene environment of better-class youngsters.
a) wilful
b) nervous
c) ambitious
d) useless

35: It was a wanton stirring to introduce a group of slum boys to the serene environment of better class youngster.
a) under-privileged areas
b) posh areas
c) boulevard
d) ghettos

36: It was a wanton stirring to introduce a group of slum boys to the serene environment of better class youngsters..
a) impatient
b) tranquil
c) civil
d) strait

37: The authorities found themselves consenting to the dangerous experiment.
a) acceding
b) opposing
c) dissenting
d) objecting

38: Everyone was certain that East End lads would be hooligans.
a) friends
b) men
c) people
d) boys✅

39: Everyone was certain that East End lads. would be hooligans.
a) hosts.
b) healthy
c) ruffians
d) disobedient

40: Yet Katherine persisted.
a) panicked
b) continued
c) perished
d) previewed

41: You can’t satisfy your conscience by keeping them at arm’s length.
a) welcoming
b) avoiding
c) inviting.
d) embracing

42: But a few just a few want un- sticking
a) flexibility
b) giving up
c) opening
d) learning

43: Rather to her surprise he gave way.
a) distributed
b) threw away
c) divided
d) yielded✅

44: Chips suddenly became the keen advocate of the proposal.
a) believer
b) teacher
c) supporter
d) allowed

45: The volte-face was so complete that the authorities were taken as unaware.
a) complete change
b) revolution
c) demand
d) preparation

46: Chips saw them off at the railway station.
a) said farewell
c) invited
b) received
d) met

47: Everything passed without the slightest hitch.
a) facility
b) problem✅
c) misunderstanding
d) difference

48: Chips answered eagerly.
a) in worry
b) in a hurry
c) dejectedly
d) excitedly

49: Old Gribble was the school-butler.
a) cook✅
b) runner
c) peon
d) parson

50: There are two or three of my pals, who remember her clearly.
a) assistants
b) foes
c) peons
d) friends

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