1st Year NotesEnglish class 11th

First Year English Moral Stories: Greed is a Curse

First Year English Moral Stories: Greed is a Curse

For Average Students:

Once, a hungry dog found a piece of meat. He was overjoyed and decided to take it away to enjoy in peace. On his way, he had to cross a narrow bridge over a stream. As he was crossing, he saw his reflection in the water. Mistakenly, he thought it was another dog with an even bigger piece of meat.

Driven by greed, he barked at his own reflection and jumped into the stream to snatch the other dog’s meat. In doing so, he dropped his own piece, which quickly vanished in the water. The poor dog had to return home hungry.


  1. Greed is a curse.
  2. Think before you act.
  3. Something is better than nothing.
  4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  5. Hasty actions lead to loss.

For Brilliant Students:

In a land not far away, there lived a dog with a strong desire for fresh meat. One day, he managed to steal a substantial piece of meat from a butcher’s shop. Eager to savor his stolen treasure in peace, he headed for a nearby jungle. Carrying the meat in his jaws, he ran towards his destination.

To reach the jungle, he had to cross a stream with crystal-clear water. As he passed over the bridge, he noticed his reflection in the water. Mistakenly, he thought it was another dog with an even larger piece of meat in its mouth.

Driven by greed and envy, he decided to confront the other dog and claim its meat. Without a second thought, he barked at his own reflection and jumped into the stream. In the process, he dropped his own piece of meat into the water.

Furious and frustrated, he tried to grab the other dog’s meat, but his greedy actions had caused his own piece to vanish. Outraged and determined to teach his perceived rival a lesson, he jumped into the water. As he touched the cold, flowing water, his reflection disappeared.

With his own piece lost and the other piece seeming much bigger, he realized the consequences of his greed. Exhausted and unable to conquer the strong currents, he met his unfortunate end.


  1. Greed is a curse.
  2. Think before you act.
  3. Something is better than nothing.
  4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  5. Hasty actions lead to loss.

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