1st Year NotesComputer class 11th

1st year Computer Chapter 6 security copyright and law

1st year Computer Chapter 6 security copyright and law Question an Answers

Make it Short and Simple Question an Answer

Q1. What is a Computer Virus?

Ans. A computer virus is a program or piece of code that can infect a computer system and its stored files. It can infiltrate the computer’s memory without the user’s knowledge and replicate itself, potentially causing harm. Computer viruses are typically written in a programming language and are often found in infected files.

Q2. How can we protect our data from viruses?

Ans. To protect data from viruses, you can:

  • Install and regularly update antivirus programs.
  • Minimize data transfer using removable storage media.
  • Avoid downloading freeware or shareware programs from untrusted sources.
  • Never open emails from unknown senders.

Q3. Why is it necessary to backup data regularly?

Ans. Regular data backup involves creating duplicate copies of your data on secondary storage. It’s essential because it safeguards your important data from loss, deletion, or corruption due to various reasons, ensuring you can recover it when needed.

Q4. What is meant by Copyright? Explain?

Ans. Copyright is a legal concept that protects the rights of creators and owners of creative works. It grants creators exclusive ownership and control over their work, ensuring that others cannot use it without permission. Copyright ensures creators receive fair compensation for their work and that it is used only by those who have acquired the appropriate rights.

Q5. What is the Data Protection Act, and what are its principles?

Ans. Data Protection Act: The Data Protection Act comprises laws that ensure data protection. Many countries have enacted their versions, with some advanced Western nations effectively enforcing these laws. These acts are generally based on common principles.

Data Protection Principles: There are eight data protection principles within these acts. Their main purpose is to safeguard individuals’ data from unauthorized use and disclosure when stored on a computer system. These principles include:

  1. Lawful Processing: Data must be obtained and processed for lawful purposes only.
  2. Specified and Lawful Purposes: Data should be held for specified and lawful purposes.
  3. Data Usage and Disclosure: Data held for any purpose should not be used or disclosed in unauthorized ways.
  4. Relevance: Data should be relevant to the specified purpose.
  5. Accuracy and Currency: Data should be accurate and, when necessary, kept up to date.
  6. Data Retention: Data should not be kept for longer than necessary for its purpose.
  7. Data Subject’s Rights: Individuals have the right to access their personal data upon request.
  8. Security Measures: Appropriate security measures should protect personal data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, loss, or destruction.

These principles form the foundation of data protection laws, ensuring responsible and secure management of personal information.

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